By holycow - 22/02/2010 09:28 - United States

Today, I was awakened, in the middle of the night, by the sound of crying coming from outside. There's a mile in between houses where I live. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 744
You deserved it 2 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mcicycool 0

that's just creepy.. I say gtfo of there

MoonyIce 0

It was likely just some animals having sex. When they're mating, a lot of animals - foxes especially - can sound rather horrifyingly like a human in distress.


Laketh 0

Your dad was raping someone outside of the house, and is probably a serial killer. End of story. FYL for having a serial killer as a father.

jennadol95 0

A few months ago I heard a 'crying' as well and woke up my mom thinking it was a lost little boy/girl... Turns out all it was was a few cats getting it on and she was moaning. Lmao. This really isnt an FML. Heres what you should have put; 'Today, I realized I'm not funny at all and put stupid stories on just to watch what people say and feel cool. FML'

outerblonde 0

apparently mountain lions and cats like that make baby crying noises... and serial killers...

lifeisaplay 0

Watch out it could be a Witch!

956TXking 0

cats do that when their in heat....

lloydmonster 1
lloydmonster 1

have you ever heard them out of water?

Some foxes had a good time on your doorstep. They thank you for not disturbing them.

Flashlites off, dont throw any Molotovs at her, U GOT WITCHES IN UR ATTIC

Erindub 0

I'd freak the **** out and forget going out to investigate. Thats how people get murdered