By jojolovesyou134 - 23/06/2019 22:45

Today, as I have been the past week, I've was sent to fix my coworker's fuck-ups in his new area, and help him out as I know it. I then needed help in his old area, and got told to suck it up and figure it out. I've been doing this a year, he's been doing it for 5 years FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 565
You deserved it 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don’t help him again until he helps you with something. Give and take.

Tell your boss your coworker isn't doing their job. Then stop doing their job for them.


next time tell them no that it isn't fair for them to get help and not you or sabotage them

Don’t help him again until he helps you with something. Give and take.

Tell your boss your coworker isn't doing their job. Then stop doing their job for them.

Mungolikecandy 19

It is a reciprocal process, next time he wants help tell him that as he said to you suck it up.

toodamntall 9

You should stop helping him, OP. Chances are he's actively choosing not to learn the ropes, and thus ******* up, because knows you'll come along to fix the issue for him.

turns out he was ******* the boss' wife and supplying drugs to most the company