Freak scene

By Anonymous - 10/08/2022 14:00

Today, I have never been more disgusted at my daughter. She was on her phone and almost walked in front of a bus, until a man with some kind of facial disfigurement pulled her back. She called the poor man a "freak" and not to touch her, and he started crying. I'm ashamed to think she is mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 866
You deserved it 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to scold her and teach her common sense. Teach her morality and safety 101 because what she did was degenerate and foolish.


How old is your daughter? Is it to late for an Abortion? Iam joking of course but really.....🤔

Do a DNA test and you might get lucky. Of course, it's not clear whether assholishness is a hereditary trait or if it's learned behavior. If it's learned, you may have some 'splaining to do!

You need to scold her and teach her common sense. Teach her morality and safety 101 because what she did was degenerate and foolish.

I hope you corrected her infront of him and made her apologize before grounding the crap out of her.

The brat needs her phone taken away NOW. I despise people like her... on their phone instead of paying attention to where they're going, be it walking or driving. There is no excuse. If she's that addicted to it, send her to rehab.