By tryscal - 12/07/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, I was attempting to teach a bunch of 2nd and 5th graders on why it's so important to face your fears and try your best. It was going pretty well, until I was attacked by a pair of butterflies. I am afraid of butterflies - I ran away screaming like a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 280
You deserved it 56 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nomad609 0

YDI for letting your fear get the best of you when you should have acted tough in front of your students. Practice what you preach. Then again.. Seriously, butterflies? LMAO XD

dRose22 0

Can't imagine what you would do if they were bees.


Just because you are a teacher doesn't give you the right to be a hypocrite. YDI.

Nomad609 0

YDI for letting your fear get the best of you when you should have acted tough in front of your students. Practice what you preach. Then again.. Seriously, butterflies? LMAO XD

dRose22 0

Can't imagine what you would do if they were bees.

katherinebby17 28

Butterflies? Where the hell is that coming from? :P And I agree with #3! :P I'm afraid of certain spiders, snakes and others things that can kill me. :P

Actually, butterflies can be pretty aggressive if you are wearing a scent which they are attracted to. They try to lick you to death.

misguidedvision 0

Butterflies are flying worms lol

Mwahahaha butterflies... Lepidopterophobia for those who don't know. I used to have it too, till my dad literally pulled me into a butterfly garden. The huge ones still frighten me though.

Good god, I went to a butterfly garden once. Didn't help at all. I had a panic attack and had to leave.

You need someone to prevent you from leaving. That's how it worked for me. I still remember that I literally stood petrified at the entrance till gently coaxed on by my mom.

haha your father wins but i can imagine you being terrified

My pharmacy class took a trip to the botanical garden a while back to study medicinal plants. Once we reached the butterfly section I was the lucky one to be smothered in the face by a swarm of them. That was surprisingly frightening >____>

OMG! I'm not the only person afraid of butterflies!

Yeah, I understand how you could be scared of butterflies... You know, with all of their gentle fluttering and all.

more like uncontrolled flight path of terror!!!

wow I hope you got fired then couldn't pay rent so your girlfriend left you and you got evicted then had to move in with your parents then they kicked you out fo not having a job and since they walked in on you masturbating they thought it'd be awkward

So, he lost his girlfriend, job, home and was caught masturbating?

Mordakai420 6
mehwhateverr 0

attacked? no. butterflies don't attack. plus, if you were telling them to face their fears, you should have done the same. ydi.