By Person15 - 26/11/2011 23:13 - United States

Today, I was at the mall and started singing along to the playing of "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas." A kid glanced at me and said to her mom, "She IS a hippopotamus." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 370
You deserved it 10 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slushpup9696 12

So... you're looking for a mate?


first thing you gotta learn about kids is they're honest

Diet and exercise. That's the best you can do while staying healthy

kids have no filter. but this is hilarious nonetheless. i'm sure the kid didn't mean to sound so snarky

Parent's need to start beating the respect back into their children.

For our Christmas parade, the band played and sang that song while walking down the road..

awalker2782 5

Was she implying that you are over weight, ugly, or have big teeth? It seems everyone on here assumes it cuz of ur weight but perhaps u just have a big nose and teeth that resemble a hippo? All easily fixable with money or a drunk friend and a baseball bat

1st of all (dis might sound weird but) y he all up in your Kool-aid?!?! And 2nd tat he's freaking shady tats what!!

piffles211 2

OH GOD NOW I HAVE THAT SOUND STUCK IN MY HEAD I HATE YOU. But anyway, that was really firken rude of the kid, I wouldn't have allowed my kid to be like that >>