By gbhlaughingstock - 18/08/2009 19:20 - United States

Today, I was at my school's spaghetti dinner with my family. My brother shook up my mom's soda, as a prank. My entire class witnessed my mom waving around an overflowing Diet Coke while my dad yelled, "Come on, put your mouth on it! Suck it! Suck it, Kathy!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 128 226
You deserved it 9 748

Same thing different taste


i'm sorry ,but i must say this, THATS WHAT SHE SAID!! XD. but really now, hopefully that doesn't build on your reputation, cause that would suck, and i'd blame it on ur brother for being a doucher.

lol u deserve it for being born troll :)

swimmer14 0

hahahahahahahaha!!! thats gotta be awkward.

spagetti dinner? what are you 10, if so big ******* woop, no one will care in a while anyway, and theres no way it will follow you


hahah! tell your dad i love him! xD this is fuckinn hilariousssss! xD one of thee best FMLs ive read (: next time they embarass you in front of your date, embarass them back with this story xD your parents are going to be like "ohhh shit!"

good_life35 0

that was just amazing. EFF WHY ELL!

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha that is sooooooooo embarrasing!! Well hey, at least you havn't put this event into a bedroom--oops.O_o

breeding_real 0

i would be utterly embarrassed, especially if your mother proposed to do so by actually sucking the can. Your brother would be deserving of a smack on the arm from you, but that would defeat any purpose of redeeming your social status. i can honestly say this has befuddled me on any advice.