By RyanTheMan15 - 31/10/2009 03:23 - United States

Today, I was at my girlfriend's house watching a home makeover show with her and her mom. The show's host had a giant portrait of himself on his wall and then I said, "I hate it when people do that, it's so stupid." Her mom stared at me and pointed to the portrait of my girlfriend on the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 551
You deserved it 30 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this could've been easily solved by saying 'i'm joking'. this solves most problems when chicks give you that look.

jchansfan 0

Awww... If its any consolation I agree with you! =) lol


bugmenotmofo 34

First? Wow I still can't believe I can actually get a first... And that's not the mother's portrait, it's her daughters. You can play it off.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Exactly, theres a difference. Having a giant picture of your self screams "LOOK AT ME!!! Aren't I amazing? Aren't I tacky and full of myself???" But having a picture of your beloved daughter isn't nearly as bad.

Reyo 2

Perhaps it's too soon to be revealing opinions...It's not a bad thing that it did so, but perhaps you shoulda kept it under wraps. I once said that a BA in anything was about as useless as any award you get in Elementary school, and my new girlfriend said "Thanks" before walking away. Apparently, she was getting a BA in History. It's not really all that devastating since that's really how I feel, but in hindsight, I coulda held such info in a bit longer. *waits for PM from random BA major expressing his or her anger towards me.*

For one thing, I'll agree with #21, a BA is next to worthless and to #12, where does it say a picture, because OP clearly said a potrait of the daughter

jchansfan 0

Awww... If its any consolation I agree with you! =) lol

agent47crows 0

Hey, what's wrong with people having their own portraits?! They're the perfect doodle material (you can draw mustaches, genitals, you name it!).

this could've been easily solved by saying 'i'm joking'. this solves most problems when chicks give you that look.

Sun_Kissed18 25

I see two problems with that. One: The tone in which he said that he hated it was probably too strong for them to easily believe he was actually kidding. Two: Saying "I'm joking" only AFTER you saw her portrait on the wall decreases your credibility. On another note. How long has she been your girlfriend for you to not have noticed that before? Or did you just forget?

So why can't OP have an opinion, really? I mean if he thinks it's stupid, he thinks it's stupid. End of story. He's within his rights to have an opinion.

doggie3 0

well, it's not her portrait, so it's fine. tons of people have portraits of their kids on the walls. so you can play it off.

I agree with you too, OP. Don't feel bad. It *is* stupid.

YDI for blabbing. Likewise, YDI for having a facetious, egotistical girlfriend (unless said "portrait" was a painting that she herself or a friend made).

I'm on your side, that is ******* ridiculous.

Maybe the mom was just trying to warn you that your girlfriend is stupid.

Well, to start, I agree with you. I don't think you did anything wrong though...because you'd assume that the picture of your girlfriend would have been her mom's idea & for her sake. Don't parents alsmost always have pictures of their kids everywhere? Yeah.