By Anonymous - 15/10/2013 20:52 - United Kingdom - Stretham

Today, my parents dropped by my new house, and my mother offered to tidy up for me while I was out. After they left, I noticed that her "tidying up" included throwing out all the pictures of my girlfriend and replacing them with pictures of herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 596
You deserved it 4 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

miyaviichan 27

Sit her down and talk with her, OP. I don't get why moms do this. Same thing happened with my ex's mom, basically.


MichellinMan 20

To me, OP's mom is the ultimate troll.

that's taking it overboard. she just misses her baby though.

This is super twisted! if she had just added pictures of herself on the bench next to your pictures then i would think she just wants to feel involved. BUT when she replaces the pictures its saying she wants to be in your girlfriends position!!! you are her son! WTF, its wrong on too many levels to name!

Octwo 16

Who is Far and how do I take it to him/her?

I am not saying she is right, because I am not but does he even have any pictures of her hanging around before. Maybe she felt offended. But I totally agree with you #1

Yeah, my exes mom did shit like that and it wrecked out marriage. OP, put your foot down. This shit doesn't stop.

Sounds like something my mom would do as a prank. She would keep my girlfriends pictures, thats where your mom crossed the line; when she threw the pictures out.

yeah your mother took it too far to be a joke, but really OP, letting your mom clean your house, I think there's more to this than just her issues. But that's one opinion from a one sided story, so take it how you will. Best of luck with that cord

tounces7 27

Sounds like your mother is a narcissist and doesn't want anyone replacing "her" dominant position in your life. Look it up and see if she fits any of the other symptoms of narcissism.

miyaviichan 27

Sit her down and talk with her, OP. I don't get why moms do this. Same thing happened with my ex's mom, basically.

Parents will always think they have a right to your life and telling you what you can and can't do. That includes relationships. I mean they did raise you to be the person you are so I guess it's true they kinda have that right but it's better to explain to them when they cross the line.

just because your oarents raised, it dose not give them the right to controll your future.

beautifulsoul89 11

Parents always think their right and that they can do whatever, but more so I think your mom's jealous.

Most parents let go. Parents like this are narcissistic and need to either be put in their place or cut off. Without either, the situation will keep getting worse

OP, this is partially your fault. Your mother is going too far with the possessiveness. But how do you expect her to let go when you still let her clean your place? When my mother visits she is a guest in my house, not my mommy. She can help with dinner, but not clean while I'm out. Stop needing her and she'll take the hint.

Wizardo 33

Either your mum has a bad case of empty nest syndrome or she's going overboard with the whole memento-inception concept...

As in Memento, she should have written "Don't believe her lies" in the back of a picture.

I think the real question is why does his mom carry around multiple pictures of herself?

93, I was thinking the same thing, you just beat me to it. lol

She obviously had them because she had planned the whole thing.

Somebody's jealous... you might want to talk this out with her, especially if you and your girlfriend are in a serious relationship and you plan on taking it to the next level

floup_fml 13

Don't worry about the pictures, you've got the real thing

But it's still nice to have, and not something you'd want to happen. She needs a serious talk.

Wow, that's a little over-possessive if you ask me! I'd definitely have a chat with her OP!

Parents these days can't even respect their children or their property. Sorry, OP