Don't let the bastards grind you down

By Anonymous - 07/03/2020 00:01 - United States

Today, I heard a radio ad for the new anti-bullying efforts at a local middle school. The speaker in the ad was the school counselor… who was also my bully in high school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 715
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's also possible that the Bully may have turned his life around...

They probably got bullied into doing it. Bullies are often victims also and pass on the shit that gets dumped on them to those they think are weaker than them.


They probably got bullied into doing it. Bullies are often victims also and pass on the shit that gets dumped on them to those they think are weaker than them.

It's also possible that the Bully may have turned his life around...

Bullies often get cured with a very effective therapy. . .getting the shit knocked out of them.

ojoRojo 27

“Physician, heal thyself.” People often go into fields dealing with issues they struggled with earlier in life. It’s possible he recognizes the error of his ways, but it sure would be nice if he reached out and apologized to you.

Did it not occur to you that perhaps he's changed his ways? Maybe you need to let it go.

EmDizzle2007 28

good to know you think people can't change. keep that in mind next time you do something dumb.

People change? We want people to change, but then we hold them to what they were like before, or what they said before like it makes them a hypocrite for wanting to be or being a better person than they were before.

bloopaloop 27

OP, perhaps it's time to politely "confront" him in person to see if he's truly mended his ways and now regrets his high-school bullying to hopefully grant you peace of mind....

this is exactly why I moved outta state. that part of my life was toxic anyway