Single and ready to Pringle

By Anonymous - 01/09/2023 00:02

Today, I went to a family gathering and was asked by multiple relatives why I was still single. Trying to lighten the mood, I joked that in fact I do have a secret admirer. My little cousin yelled out, "Is it your cat?" He was right, even though, come to think about it, I'm not sure my cat even likes me all that much. FML
I agree, your life sucks 550
You deserved it 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry; cats don't typically greet you at the door with tail wagging and tongue hanging out. I'm sure you followed all of Jackson Galaxy's advice on how to make your cat happy (except maybe the one about fixing a cat superhighway on the wall. Landlords don't like cat superhighways), and your cat is just not Arya Underfoot. You've got this.


Don't worry; cats don't typically greet you at the door with tail wagging and tongue hanging out. I'm sure you followed all of Jackson Galaxy's advice on how to make your cat happy (except maybe the one about fixing a cat superhighway on the wall. Landlords don't like cat superhighways), and your cat is just not Arya Underfoot. You've got this.