By RedFace - 05/04/2011 14:06 - United States

Today, I was at a band concert with 500 other people. The song they were performing stopped, and I loved it so much I stood up and clapped. Everyone stared, while I slowly realized the song wasn't over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 121
You deserved it 35 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

muchagente 5

no, i've been there: op was the only one who knew the song was over. the band started playing again to avoid an awkward situation when they saw that no one clapped. except one.

HarmonyChord 0

Don't worry I'm sure those 500 other people didn't even notice, except that they did. Sucks for you!


amyyw 0

it's was like an orchersta band so like flutes trumpets stuff like that

I wouldn't stare, I'd think you were one if the funner audience members. a wee bit if cheering and clapping during performances makes for a great atmosphere IMO ;) boring stuck-up people! =p

u have lost the rhythm or misunderstanding the music

clap clap clap... oh shit fml's not over yet

Dr_JuanDiaz 0

If your going to do that you should at least do it to a song that you actually know so you don't just assume that the song is over and then fail completely xD