By Anonymous - 18/08/2011 13:38 - United Kingdom

Today, I walked in on my parents discussing how to kill our cat, and how to make it look like an accident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 747
You deserved it 3 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

"but the cat likes it in the oven..." too cruel?


Ayase_fml 0

My parents sent my dog to the ""

Ayase_fml 0

My parents sent my dog, without my permission to the "death house of multiple animals."

loseyaselfbit 6

Remember, people who hate cats always come back as mice :)

Today, my daughter walked in on my husband and I discussing how to kill our flea infested cat, and how we could make it look like an accident. She ran out screaming at the top of her lungs and crying. FML

Tell them to take it to SPCA! They can find another/better home for it. Unless it's dying and you can take it to the vet to have put down.

LoneTruth 3

My parents hated my cat too but this one takes the cake.