By Anonymous - 18/08/2011 13:38 - United Kingdom

Today, I walked in on my parents discussing how to kill our cat, and how to make it look like an accident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 747
You deserved it 3 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

"but the cat likes it in the oven..." too cruel?


RuskiManBearPig 4

Don daddy: now go to your room me and mr snuggles got some "buisness" we got to discuss.

saturnsonic 3

watch yourself,whats left after the cat? you might wanna seek help for your parents

BigPerro4life 0

If you have any angry and Rottweilers in your neighborhood, the solution is simple.

rjwon 0
brokenhelix 4

BEST FML EVER! I ******* HATE cats. Finally, someone is doing this world a favor.

LacrosseGirl23 3

Ur parents are stupid. If ur parents want to kill the cat, give it to Best Friends. A non-killing place for animals mistreated. A regular shelter will kill any unwanted animals