It's not a phase!

By Anonymous - 11/06/2021 07:59

Today, despite 18 years of marriage and two kids together, my father-in-law still insists my wife will one day grow up, realise I was the result of some rebellious phase she’s going through, divorce me and marry a decent boy from her hometown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 163
You deserved it 76

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lydmyers 9

tell your father in law to **** off, for being so disrespectful to your relationship. I would absolutely NOT put up with that mess.

Good! All you have to do to stick it to this prick is to stay with your wife. Plus, it seems your wife and you are on the brink of menopause, so there will be no growing up anytime soon! Have fun, you lovebirds!


Lydmyers 9

tell your father in law to **** off, for being so disrespectful to your relationship. I would absolutely NOT put up with that mess.

Good! All you have to do to stick it to this prick is to stay with your wife. Plus, it seems your wife and you are on the brink of menopause, so there will be no growing up anytime soon! Have fun, you lovebirds!

You should tell him that You realize that it's not a phase, You hoped that he would one day grow up, realise that you loved each other, But instead I'm going to move on and spend time with my wife and family more.