By davav74 - 15/06/2012 23:31 - United Kingdom - Ely

Today, I visited my new doctor for the migraines I've been getting lately. Right from the start, I could have sworn the guy was on drugs. He just listened to my heartbeat, said, "Well Dave, it sounds like gallstones" and said they'll pass naturally. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 668
You deserved it 1 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KittyJay 3
me234 7


Self prescribed morphine for your doc eh? Tell him heeds some psychological help maybe.

ravenh1979 13

Wow, that's a little scary!

Prescribing himself government approved Drugs; "Medicine". He is high, get a new doctor! Sorry OP

mommykrissy_05 7

What an idiot! First of all migraines head,,, gall bladder abdomen. Second gallstones don't pass, at least that's what I was told when i had gallstones 6yrs ago. With gallstones they usually remove your gall bladder since the stones have nowhere to go.

Go and see another dr at the practice, and have a word with the practice manager about the one you saw. that said, most docs I know are as mad as a box of frogs.

23Z9TZO 18

'I'm a certified doctor, you can call me dr phil'

Take it from someone who had their gallbladder removed this morning... They don't pass naturally and a migraine is not one of the symptoms lol you should report the guy to the medical board.

Well Dave, sounds like you need a new doctor.