By LizP40 - 27/08/2009 16:46 - United States

Today, I tried to initiate sex with my boyfriend. As I put on my most seductive moves, he ever so nicely says, "Babe, we just had sex last night. Why don't we wait a while so you've had some time to tighten back up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 974
You deserved it 9 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him this: "Babe, why don't we wait a few years and give your **** time to grow, mkay?"

Assuming he was being serious about the "tighten back up" bit, your boyfriend's a ******* tard. The only thing that could really "loosen" the ****** is childbirth, and even then, that's only temporary most of the time. And I seriously doubt his dick's the circumference of a baby's head.


deliapearl 0

some men can't get it up again that quick after round 1 of sex

hatcher 0

That's not really how it works. amount of sex really has no effect on the tightness of the ******, which is why **** stars and call girls still get money. He's ignorant of anatomy and rude about it. break up with him and find a guy with a halfway decent sex drive.

next time he wants to have sex tell him to wait till he grows an inch longer

Definitely look into kegel exercises, but more for yourself and your own pleasure than his. If he's so large that he stretches you out, the exercises (or electrical stimulation machines) should help. The way he communicated to you, though, makes me wonder if he's cheating on you or otherwise has problems. Keep your eyes open and good luck.

_jdreaming 0

hows he an ass? she maybe a *****, and/or he doesnt like her that way!!

yahyahgirl18 0

Oviously he didnt wanna have sex but couldnt think of it a valid reason. Mayb he was just tired

helpmeiamblind 0

Learn to Kegel you dumb bitch.

Deeksha_T 0

That's the signal to dump his ass :)