By Confuseddad - 16/02/2016 22:17 - United Kingdom

Today, two aggressive police officers appeared at my door informing me that a complaint was filed about my 18 year-old son having "inappropriate relations" with a 16 year-old. We live in England. I had to Google the law to prove to them this was legal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 565
You deserved it 1 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UhHuhHoney 20

You'd be surprised how many cops aren't familiar with laws. Smh

I wondered who filed this report, because it's a wonder they were even smart enough to write it from the start. And file a report about the cops, that's not legal of them to do.


Take down their officer numbers on their uniform and make a complaint about them, they have no right to harass you and your family like that.

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Bonngoo 34

The age of consent, dumbass. It's 14-18 (depending on the country)

@38 A pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children. What you're thinking of is an ephebophile or hebephile: someone who's attracted to adolescents, generally between the ages of 15-19, and even then that's not what this is because they were both within that age range.

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Some countries in the Middle East don't have ages of consent at all.

In Canada it used to be 12 ( now it's 12 only if they're within 4 years of each others age.)

how is that a pedophile he is 2 years older then the girl

Metooblock8 1

are u ******* kidding me? they responded to a complaint! So i guess doing your job is harassing somebody. I'm so disappointed in people like u who always feel like they are right. I bet u haven't done a lick of work in your life smh.

102, If they were doing their job, they would not need to have the law explained to them at the OP's front door

I wondered who filed this report, because it's a wonder they were even smart enough to write it from the start. And file a report about the cops, that's not legal of them to do.

Yep, I'd definitely report this incident right away. It's frightening that the people meant to uphold the law don't know the law. Best to make sure that higher authorities are aware.

What if the couple went to miami or somethong where you have to be 18 in both parts? will they get arrested or what

sylvienoir 18

I doubt anything would happen unless OP's girlfriend and her mom decided to charge him with rape and the girlfriend also communicated discomfort with the situation (IE she felt compelled to have sex).

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I thinkk what #3 might have meant is that since it is legal, it wasn't an inappropriate relationship.

Why is this so down voted? Last time I checked, this was a good thing...

UhHuhHoney 20

You'd be surprised how many cops aren't familiar with laws. Smh

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

You'd really think that it would be REQUIRED that the individuals enforcing the laws in any country would be educated regarding said laws while in the police academy, but here in America that's not the case, at least it didn't used to be. Physical agility training, yes - weapons training, yes - confrontation training, yes - actual study of the laws - no. ????

File a report. They should know the law before they harass people like that. It's good you've been home, maybe it could've gone worse if your son was alone.

JohnTheDonJuan 11

Umm that pun was not only horrible, but it makes no sense to boot.

It was swell of you to take the time to educate two under privileged folk on the errors of their chosen profession. You should have suggested to them that they write all these rules down someplace so if they have any future questions they can look them up.

This pretty much sums up England in a post. ?

From what i've experienced english police is actually pretty awesome and polite. Though there is always some bad ones.

If you'ré white and middle class. If you're poor and/or have dark skin, it tends to be a different experience.