By mama75 - 17/03/2010 14:18 - United States
Same thing different taste
By don't cry over spilled milk - 23/11/2016 14:33 - United States - Elmendorf Afb
By blargh - 03/10/2013 17:39 - Russian Federation - Moscow
By milkysubstance - 14/03/2017 05:00 - Australia - Brisbane
The joys of motherhood
By Walaa Hamdan - 31/08/2021 04:01
By Scott - 15/09/2011 07:34 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/09/2011 16:34 - United States
Oh, hello…
By superclutz - 07/07/2009 02:09 - United States
Not cool
By Wet - 21/06/2023 15:00
By Ohgodmother - 28/02/2014 09:06 - Australia - Hobart
Damp patch
By mommy - 17/11/2010 12:09 - United Kingdom
Top comments
first!!! well... yes FYL indeed
I don't understand how this was moderated. It was "first! well.... F(uck) Y(our) L(ife) indeed. I mean there are SO many other comments on every other FMLs that are not respecting your rules, and your moderate those 3 letters... oh well.. it doesn't really matter I guess but yeah. Original Poster, listen, don't take those things just get the baby powdered milk or something, if you want to involve some hormones or chemical, I think that could be a best choice. Then again, I don't know much about that.
It was for calling first. The mere fact that others also blatantly abuse the commenting system is not grounds for you to also.
No, my job is to both moderate and inform, Mr. Smartass ;)
32) Win OP) That is so hot. I breast fead until I was 21.
I was joking too ;) ***GROUP HUG, PEOPLE, GROUP HUG***
lol thanks tho for answering I actually appreciate it. :)
but then again, calling first or anything in that sense isn't forbidden. At least I didn't read anything about that in the rules... Bah anyway, it's all good
Well, it incidentally falls under the out-of-context rule, but it's also one of the unwritten rules that we expect everyone to think about when posting :)
@36: That explains why your big sister's nick name is "Droopy".
how do u become a moderater
50) you know the definition of relative humidity? it's when the sweat from your balls drips down your sisters ass crack.
you need to fired for being bias and for brown nosing snickerdoodles. that, and nobody likes you.
I'll help even them out
Tweetbaby14, I have messaged you on this issue. If you continue to persist in breaching the rules and whining about being moderated for it, you will be banned.
The group hug is still on. Who's mean now? *holds a gun to Rjhicks' head*
I am with the whole moderating thing, and find it annoying when someone says first. But, don't you think you are sortof taking away their right to free speech, but then again this is a French based website, but Im sure they have fair rights to. I respect the moderators a lot, but would like an honost response from you Sarin ;)
men hugging men is for gays, or really emotional moments, and this is not the latter :D jk
@Otto12: Commenting is a privilege, not a right; the same goes for virtually any forum out there. People can say what they like, with some fair and reasonable restrictions, which they agree to abide by when they comment. Some people, though, think they can trample all over the rules, insult the moderators (who are here to make the place a tolerable one to visit), essentially say "what're you gonna do about it", and expect respect to be shown to them. Unfortunately for them, that's not how it works, and abusing the rights afforded to them results in moderation and if necessary, bans. Hopefully that answers your question :)
They are free to speak, all history of it is just removed later! :3 If they didn't moderate, you'd get clogged with redundant comments which waste space and time reading until you find the actual good comments. it may be 1 second but overall the user can make up his mind quicker than that, so good on them for tryig to improve the User Experiance. ^^
@45, Where is mtl, canada? Are all the girls there as hot as you?
you mean you were breast fed until you were 21?
Again, there's no applicable fml towards female breasts.
This FML is a fail to punctuaion... "Today, I tried an herbal tea..." Last time I checked, you only use the word "an" when the next word begins with a vowel. OP, please do not attempt to teach your child punctuation...
"An" is the correct word to use in this case. Just like "An historic moment" or "an heirloom." But I digress, that sucks OP. On the other hand, that is also strangely hot.
this is a win! see, when I get bored from sucking on one tit, I can switch to the bigger, more volumptious tit. and then when I get frustrated that I can't fit the monster in my mouth, I can move back to he mosquito bite.
Haha ^^win
what's wrong wit dat, good for the husband ;)
No herbal tea will make your **** bigger, especially to "kick in" in a matter of minutes or even hours. If it was possible, there would be NO itty bitty *******. I feel sorry for your kid, having a mom stupid enough to believe it would actually work.
Please read the fml again. It's not a breast enhancement that makes you grow ****. It's suppose to increase the milk supply.
#8.. Did you miss the "breastfeeding mom" and "to make more milk" parts? There are things like this for breastfeeding women. This isn't about just ANY woman... Jeez..
about reread before making idiotic comments like that. think first!
haha this is like that joke Larry the cable guy said when he was talking about his sister or something like that how she won first and third in a wet t-shirt contest.
#8, it's called Fenugreek, and it does make your breasts larger when you are already lactating. It increases milk production/supply, so that in turn increases your breast size. It's actually called engorgement.
Good for you OP, your man won't be bored with your **** now.
Haha! The same thing happened to me, but someone else pointed it out before I noticed.
You're an idiot. The H is silent and you use "an" when there is a vowel sound.