By noneoftheabove - 28/01/2009 05:21 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to buy some Ibuprofen and got asked for ID. You have to be over 16 to buy it. I'm 25. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 535
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

no_luck_for_me 0

why would they ID yuu for aspirin? Kids dont have headaches? UK is strange... 18 to drink but get ID'd for tylenol... lol

appleeve 0

Darling, that's a good thing. I know you want to look older and mature, but when you're 59, youll be ecstatic you look young.


no_luck_for_me 0

why would they ID yuu for aspirin? Kids dont have headaches? UK is strange... 18 to drink but get ID'd for tylenol... lol

mcxhunni 0

because you can get high on certain meds.

Because you could easily kill yourself with it?

Because it says ibuprofen and not aspirin? Also, they shouldn't have ID-ed her. There's no legal age limit for ibuprofen in the UK. The only painkiller with an age limit is aspirin and it's 16.

3milyzabc 0

How can you agree with #12! There is no number 12!

tapifruit 0

wait.. you got carded for buying advil or motrin? woooooow

arienh4 0

I can buy 200mg max of actual Ibuprofen pills. Not Advil, actually Ibu on the box. I can't buy a 400mg box, but I can buy 2 of 200mg.

appleeve 0

Darling, that's a good thing. I know you want to look older and mature, but when you're 59, youll be ecstatic you look young.

Shouldn't you feel good about looking young? I know I do. =D

Well I would agree with number 3 if I was certain that you were a girl because girls always wanna look younger than they are. If you're a boy though, then I understand why you would be annoyed about the incident.

well that just means you look young...which is obviously a good thing.

Yeah, I agree, it's not a bad thing.

SirAlan 0

a lot of ppl wants to look young