Piss poor excuse, dude

By Anonymous - 27/12/2023 15:00 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend of 8 years is still cheating on me with the girl that he was caught sexting on my birthday back in July. His response was that if I didn't hang out with my friends on the weekends, he wouldn't have to find someone to entertain him all week. We live together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 445
You deserved it 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he is doing this to you then you should get the hell out of the relationship.

dongdong xiang 10

Don’t forgive him again. Dump him. If something happens a second time, there will be a third. I guarantee it.


If he is doing this to you then you should get the hell out of the relationship.

dongdong xiang 10

Don’t forgive him again. Dump him. If something happens a second time, there will be a third. I guarantee it.

shortiesept 9

Ok why are you staying??? Once I would have caught him sexting, I’d leave and never look back.

narcissists will come up with any lame excuse to blame you for them being a scumbag. leave now

spiceyk 1

must suck to not be able to hold off for a weekend of not having sex 🙄 he’s a pos.