By WhatsThatSmell - 25/02/2011 13:25 - Australia

Today, I took a busy train into the city. I was lucky enough to get a seat. People were forced to stand in the aisle in front of me, and the person directly opposite me, whose butt was level with my head farted in my face. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 831
You deserved it 4 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

The down side of getting a seat in a crowded train. Next time, bring a chain saw. You'd be surprised how much personal space people will give you, crowded train or not.

drizzt6895 0

Did you say "thank you sir may i have another"?


Boxy 0

stand up next time and fart in other ppls faces

awesome! just kidding. thats disgusting.

b_rad_fml 4

Sorry, 'butt' I would have had to punch the jerk in the kidneys.