By Anonymous - 29/03/2012 16:53 - United States - Houston

Today, I thought about how my dad went to get me a Halloween costume and hasn't come home yet. That was 11 years ago. We've moved twice since then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 724
You deserved it 2 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he got you a ghost costume, and was too excited so he tried it on. Now he can't get it off, and he's been around you the whole time. :o

Today, after slaving for 11 years on the perfect Halloween costume for my beautiful daughter, I come home to find that they have moved. Twice. FML


darthzerg 7
KingCeltic77 18

So, I wonder what costume you are gonna get

Sometimes fmls require a serious response. This is one. Waste no more time thinking about that dead beat. If he left you like that you are better off without him. Focus on yourself and the things you do well and love. Focus on Those around you that are there say in and day out for you even when you are a pain(everyone is) much love to you and do not let his actions ruin the holiday for you.

cruidy 0

Well u had some time with yours... I I never knew mine though he's still alive.

ReaganARoo 0

That sucks, happened with my brother! I'm sorry

yougotitgood 4

Maybe they've been out of the costume for 11 years?

Yeah... doesn't say whether he bailed, or got in a car accident, or something else...

JMichael 25

That sucks OP, but if it makes you feel better, my sperm donor is a sorry piece of shit too.