By Anonymous - 26/12/2010 06:04 - United States

Today, I think my friends were trying to tell me something with all my Christmas gifts being mostly perfume, deodorant, and soap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 636
You deserved it 30 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smiley_ily 0

aww, well maybe they didn't want to confront you straight up, and did it a nicer way? but hey, at least you won't stink as much ?



it's a dirty job, but u should go ahead and shower. the water is however as dangerous as it looks o.O

That's just sad. I mean have some personal hyegein for the sake of others.

Excessive body oder can be a medical condition. Just saying

xThatAsianGurlx 0

Haha, start using your gifts right away, if you get the message.

smiley_ily 0

aww, well maybe they didn't want to confront you straight up, and did it a nicer way? but hey, at least you won't stink as much ?

That stinks! Sounds like your friends know your dirty little secrets. Maybe you should wash your hands of them and get a fresh group of friends to clean up your reputation. (Wow, that's really cheesy. Sorry, I'm really tired but I can't sleep! Doh!)

Try using them, and maybe next year your presents will be better ^^

hmmm you think?! go clean your stinky self ASAP!

isn't that telling you something? xD next time be less stinky >.<

nayeli760 0

Well don't take it as a bad thing OP, maybe they just didn't know what to get you and they found it easier to get you that stuff. Orrrr you smell funky.