By Anonymous - 28/11/2011 15:45 - United States

Today, in science class, we had to make play-dough with our lab partners. We were allowed to put one thing in it to make it more bouncy or rubbery. My partner said that he wanted to put a chicken wing in ours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 292
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kickazz16 15

Throw it against his head. Maybe itll bounce Some knowledge into his head.

biasedshooter 24

You should sell those, you could make some serious dough!


kickazz16 15

Throw it against his head. Maybe itll bounce Some knowledge into his head.

That annoying and awkward moment when #1 posts a one letter comment to secure the place of #1(when i posted this he/she put "D" to secure the place)

I saw that as well. But how is that awkward again?

Muslimgal92 0

I'm pretty sure it will probably bounce a chicken wing not knowledge:)

I would've just gone with it. I mean, you never know what a chicken wing will do...

StopDropNRoll 11

Yup if your lucky your play dough will fly!

Carbonation 0

I personally add the chicken wings to make my play-dough cluck. The flying's just a bonus.

1 - I'm sorry, but was your comment meant to be funny? Throwing at his head wouldn't even hurt....

How is this a FML anyway? He made a lame attempt at a joke

mrpipp 0

**** u 44. Everyone here died a little on the inside because of your comment.

130, I died a little at the fact you left two letters off of 'you'.

For some reason, this double posted. Yay, editing!

134, I died a little on the inside at the fact u had to point that out! :D

puppytaco64 8

I died a little on the inside because 138 is a grammar nazi

amanda_say_whutt 9

"aint no thing but a chicken wing"

swimchica22 0

At least make it a buffalo wild wings chicken wing... Gotta have the best!

BayleeWasHere 1

Uh, chicken wings…that helps… :P

atomicbaboon 0

Why would a chicken wing help it fly? Chicken's can't fly.

atomicbaboon 0

Why would a chicken wing help it fly? Chicken's can't fly.

Carbonation 0

When I throw them into the side of the barn theu do. Some call it animal abuse, I call it science.

Well...Your partner is very creative...

Dude, don't mistake insane troll logic for creativity.

Chickens can fly. The longest recorded flight just happens to only be about 13 seconds.

tehrealone 6

Hey you don't happen to have a spare book of world records on hand do you?

ilikebreasts 0

Actually he's not creative. He is Black, and all he thinks about are KFC chicken wings.

Nothing like the taste of play-doh and chicken wing :D

TheCarChanel 0
dethbunny 0

Play dough facts Feel: nice, fun, squishy Smell: weird Sight: colorful Taste: related to poseidon's salty butt hole

You realize people are going to continually down vote your comments since you have a hat with a sticker on it, trying so hard to be "gangsta".

puppytaco64 8

He can't look gangsta, he's not the right ethnicity

123, I know I will. Especially with the whole middle-finger-in-the-picture thing. Hurr durr, what a rebel!

Maybe you should just stop trying to comment with that picture?

Angelice_fml 0

At least it would taste better than real play-dough.

I'd go with a hot dog. Especially one from a cafeteria- those things bounce pretty damn high

Anyone care to guess what color the lab partner is?

pfx2_fml 15