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By Hidingforever - 18/06/2022 12:00

Today, I accidentally joined my Zoom class meeting with my cam girl account. The whole class now knows what my breasts look like, and know that my nickname is “CumKitten.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 380
You deserved it 2 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you are going to be an internet sex worker you need to either just enjoy the attention this brought you or be a lot more careful with your social media and Zoom accounts. I vote for being more careful! If your cam girl routine is paying off for you I suggest a separate laptop or device. A lot of people have separate devices to handle work vs personal. And keep them separate - That way you are less likely to have these kind of issues. In the long run, you have to assume eventually someone will recognize you who knows you. You need to decide how you are going to handle that.

That's one way to an easy A, and some dates. Accident, my ass!


On the plus side, you'll likely get a few new regular customers.

That's one way to an easy A, and some dates. Accident, my ass!

They're just boobs. Nothing to be ashamed of, CumKitten.

If you are going to be an internet sex worker you need to either just enjoy the attention this brought you or be a lot more careful with your social media and Zoom accounts. I vote for being more careful! If your cam girl routine is paying off for you I suggest a separate laptop or device. A lot of people have separate devices to handle work vs personal. And keep them separate - That way you are less likely to have these kind of issues. In the long run, you have to assume eventually someone will recognize you who knows you. You need to decide how you are going to handle that.

Wadlaen 23

As we say in Norway: All PR is good PR!😜