By karmavictim - 18/03/2011 11:28

Today, I swerved out of the way to avoid hitting a squirrel, and in the process hit another squirrel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 092
You deserved it 10 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Schlimpikins 0

You should have turned around and hit the first one for making you hit the second one.


hahaha you should have stopped and waked for them to get out of the way xD

QueenOfBoredom 0
ulicksam 0

Anyone that swerves or slams on their brakes for a squirrel is an idiot. You could have caused an accident and hit a child or another vehicle. Hey, but at least you wouldn't have run over a frickin' squirrel.

Am I the only one here who licked his lips and started salivating over the thought of roadkill squirrel?

No, no, I did that too. Who wouldn't? Slap some bobbachu on dat hoe and we eatin' gourmet tonight!

(licks lips some more and starts humping his desk phone)

Really it's all about the BBQ sauce.

leprachaun405 0

all ya need is a good spatula to scrape it up:D

holymolybro 0

You are a horrible person. Think of the chain of deaths you've caused. You killed the squirrels wife, he's going to kill himself, them his children, then they're friends. To hell with you.

This may have been the start of a squirrel genocide. The OP is now a Hitler impersonator. Nieder mit allen eichhörnchen! Heil karmavictim!

holymolybro 0

He's a ******' squirrel Nazi. :O

should have tried to hit them both! twice the points!

Op, that squirrel was trying to save the other! He had a lot of nuts, and was a courageous hero! You heartless dick. He's dead because of you!! D:

Rompgr what is your picture? McDonalds ninja vs. KFC ninja?

TayonaC 10

haaaaaaa I love that picture!

ah that sucks, poor squirrel. My mother accidentally ran over a bunny the other day. And once while driving on the highway, i watched a cat get run over by a semi that was driving in front of me. The cat went around the wheel of the semi twice, it was so gross.