By ltwlty - 20/09/2016 07:07 - China - Beijing

Today, I still can't poop unless I hear the sound of the bathroom fan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 792
You deserved it 1 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gotta love those conditioned responses. You get so used to things being a certain way, that you can't function normally without those factors. I'm the same way with my sleep; I HAVE to have a fan on, because I've gotten used to the sound of it. If I don't, I don't sleep, or at least not well.

mermaidkeels 26

Dinner at Taco Bell should fix that!


Gotta love those conditioned responses. You get so used to things being a certain way, that you can't function normally without those factors. I'm the same way with my sleep; I HAVE to have a fan on, because I've gotten used to the sound of it. If I don't, I don't sleep, or at least not well.

I am similar to you. I have to have some form of white noise.

My sister was the same when she was young, she would have the fan on even in winter, and get colds from it just for the noise.

Most people point them at a wall to prevent this. But you can get white noise devices these days, no/little air movement!

That's why I never liked those dyson "noiseless" fans. What's the damn point lol

mermaidkeels 26

Dinner at Taco Bell should fix that!

#3: Why? Does Taco Bell have loud fans in their bathrooms?

sonasonic 34

Unfortunately, Taco Bell isn't available in China. They're gonna need to find another laxative.

I listen to a specific song whenever I'm doing my daily paperwork. Once you get into odd habits, it's hard to break them.

If you're that hell bent on basking in your own glory, you could always record the sound of the fan and play it through your iPod.

Just be careful the shit doesn't hit the fan

Instructions unclear, shit stuck in ceiling fan.

Record the sound on your phone and play it every time you want to poop. Also there's probably a YouTube clip out there that continuously plays the sound of a bathroom fan.

species4872 19

this does not seem worthy of an fml. maybe mlia?

I'm just the opposite, it bothers the hell out of me AND I poop after showering a good 70% of the time, making me have to reshower... Needless to say, I feel your pain.

And then when you reshower does it make you want to poop again?

OP, buy one of those personal battery-operated hand fans - if you don't want to drop your phone (while it plays audio of the original ceiling exhaust fan) anywhere CLOSE to a toilet?