By uofpalum - 19/03/2009 01:41 - United States

Today, I stayed over at my grandparents' house. I woke up and had to brush my teeth. My grandma asked if I had found a toothbrush to use. I told her that I used my old purple toothbrush. She told me that was the toothbrush she used to brush her toenails. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 475
You deserved it 10 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me of the time my sister said she used my toothbrush to clean the dog's teeth. Toothbrushes should be hidden from all family members in a special place only you know about...

shykneejess 0

Ew, I probably would have thrown up, no joke. Wash your mouth out with baking soda and/or salt warm water to disinfect and prevent any bacteria from sprouting in there. The last thing you need is a type of fungus or mouth sores that could be prevented. Sorry to hear that happened... *Shivers...*. FYL


YDI for not bringing your own toothbrush.

lakergurl91 0

Why does your grandma have to brush her toenails anyway??LMFAO Smile Jesus loves you =)

SarahsWickedGame 0
kpearsall 0

Could be worse. This girl I was dating several years ago grabbed my gun cleaning toothbrush and used it for a week before I noticed. At least foot fungus //probably// won't poison you, give you cancer, make you infertile, etc. Ecccckkkk, that thing had lead and nasty horrible chemicals all over it.

elegantcr1mes 0

I think I just threw up a little...