By the fish - 30/01/2019 04:00

Today, I started this show and was really confused what was happening until I realized I accidentally started from the last episode so I basically ruined the whole show for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 739
You deserved it 1 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ned diggers 14

Watch it in reverse. Instead of finding out what happened, you'll learn why it happened.

Gofuckyourself 24

It'll be okay, you can still watch it 😊 It's better to spoil things for yourself instead of having someone else spoil it for you.


Gofuckyourself 24

It'll be okay, you can still watch it 😊 It's better to spoil things for yourself instead of having someone else spoil it for you.

ned diggers 14

Watch it in reverse. Instead of finding out what happened, you'll learn why it happened.

Don’t think of this as an FML, think of how efficient you have been! Instead of wasting many hours in front of a TV, you just cut to the chase and have freed up many hours of precious time!

MichaelTheMage 7

i once started season one of a show, but after 1 episode i went to season 2 episode one.. that confused me a lot.

One time on Netflix, a new show started playing season 2 episode 1 automatically, then when it ended, went straight to straight to season 1 episode 1. I actually finished the entire thing before I figured out why it made no goddamn sense.

"Why the hell did it end with a cut to black? Is it a cliffhanger? Will Uncle Jun ever remember who Tony is? I wonder if it's covered in the second epis... this was the last one ever?! I've ruined everything! There's no point starting from the beginning now, and there's no point to life. Goodbye, cruel world. See you on the other side." *cuts to black*

Habacadavarus 12

I did this with season 1 of Bosch. Super annoying but I watched and enjoyed it anyway. How did it start with the last episode anyway :-P