No way

By SingleSoon - 08/01/2024 16:00 - United States

Today, I moved my kids and myself into my parents' house. My soon to be ex-husband keeps calling me from different numbers, crying for me to take him back. The sorry bastard kissed his best friend instead of me at midnight on New Year's Day because I was attending to my son who was afraid of fireworks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 643
You deserved it 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You obviously know more than I do on whether the two had any history and what's going on between them. BUT if this midnight kiss is LITERALLY all that happened and there are no other red flags, etc -- then I would say you are over-reacting. It's kinda a tradition to share a midnight kiss with a friend/partner (remember "Friends"?) and it could be just that (but obviously, there's a difference between a 1-second smooch and Frenching each other for 10 minutes). The dude is sorry and appears to genuinely love you. Don't get me wrong - it's definitely a reason for a good fight. But not a divorce, imho.

His son is terrified of fireworks and dude is sucking face with some side piece. Wrong priorities


You obviously know more than I do on whether the two had any history and what's going on between them. BUT if this midnight kiss is LITERALLY all that happened and there are no other red flags, etc -- then I would say you are over-reacting. It's kinda a tradition to share a midnight kiss with a friend/partner (remember "Friends"?) and it could be just that (but obviously, there's a difference between a 1-second smooch and Frenching each other for 10 minutes). The dude is sorry and appears to genuinely love you. Don't get me wrong - it's definitely a reason for a good fight. But not a divorce, imho.

His son is terrified of fireworks and dude is sucking face with some side piece. Wrong priorities

Maybe but if that's all it is I think she's overreacting.

Definitelly wrong, but not wrong enough for dividing a family

Yeah in Friends, they were all SINGLE at the time. Not married you jackass

L0life29 6

there is definitely more to this! in no way would this be divorce worthy!!

are we talking a quick peck or are we talking with tongue? because if it was just a quick peck you're being absolutely ridiculous

if there isn't any more to this story like previous suspect behavior then you definitely overreacted. it was just a new years eve kiss. if it was a romantic kiss and you've had red flags about her, then you did the right thing.

EricW 4

is that the only reason for leaving your husband?? you’re a total psycho…