By Wellpoo - 02/01/2018 19:00

Today, I started 2018 with a bad case of food poisoning. Not exactly the New Year's cleanse I was hoping for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 241
You deserved it 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m in the hospital with the flu right now so I feel you OP. Feel better soon!!

At least you still got a toilet roll left, right? ....oh yeah, the cat ate it, never mind...


I’m in the hospital with the flu right now so I feel you OP. Feel better soon!!

Well...that's a crappy way to start the year. But just think, it's all uphill from here!

exileonmainst 16

Step 1. Apply black false eyelash glue to your rectum. Step 2. Sneeze. Problem solved!

At least you're on your way to attain one of your New Year resolutions; reach your goal weight.

Greatly phrased...I had the same issue...I know the feeling...

At least you still got a toilet roll left, right? ....oh yeah, the cat ate it, never mind...

AlysiaChanel 16