By ari - 18/02/2013 22:15 - United States

Today, I started at my new job. The woman who I'll be working right next to 40 hours a week introduced herself with, "I know what your name is. I know what you're planning, and I've been sent to destroy you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 921
You deserved it 3 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments


They're just screwing with the new guy, all companies do it. Don't take it seriously.

If your coworker is always this funny then time spent at work will go by faster and you should have a grand time of it even if it's a dull job. On the other hand, she could be a T-1000, in which case you're probably screwed and none of us can help you. Best of luck with your new liquid metal robotic assassin. You're going to need it.

She should probably be sent to the looney bin instead.

beej821410 6

There needs to be a "this is awesome" option. They sound like an awesome person to work with. So I guess YDI for not seeing that.

TheyCallMeDamien 17