Serial killer

By bananapie69 - 29/05/2020 23:00

Today, during my staff Google Meet conference, I forgot to mute my mic when I joined and I was still listening to a true crime podcast. I started to notice people's confused looks and realized they were all hearing the details of the bodies found. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 040
You deserved it 1 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boss move! Now, when normal office work restarts, no one will steal your lunch. First, they know you're a badass, and second, they're afraid of what they may find (like a human forearm you gnaw on.)

ojoRojo 27

There are so many worse things that could’ve happened in that scenario lol. At least it wasn’t ****!


Boss move! Now, when normal office work restarts, no one will steal your lunch. First, they know you're a badass, and second, they're afraid of what they may find (like a human forearm you gnaw on.)

"Today, I accidentally admitted I was the Zodiac Killer, but I'm covering my tracks by claiming I was listening to a true crimes podcast. I really have to stop drinking absinthe. FML." That's what you're really saying, isn't it?

ojoRojo 27

There are so many worse things that could’ve happened in that scenario lol. At least it wasn’t ****!