By Anonymous - 16/02/2018 19:00

Today, I started a new job at a glass shop and my boss asked me to vacuum. I ended up tipping over and shattering the most expensive bong in the shop, which retailed at $3,000. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 190
You deserved it 1 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Usually, the interview process weeds out dopes like you. I’ll be blunt, your career has gone to pot and it’s doobie-ous that you’ll succ-seed.

Why would anyone need a $3000 bong? Just inject the weed like a normal person.


Obviously, OP's boss didn't take into account any of the various ways that a delicate, brittle sales item could be broken (by employee or customer) when putting said item on display. So don't pay for it OP, that's the purpose for having business insurance. Good luck!

Christopher Martin 12

Emphasis on the name “GLASS” shop.

Usually, the interview process weeds out dopes like you. I’ll be blunt, your career has gone to pot and it’s doobie-ous that you’ll succ-seed.

manb91uk 22

Didn’t you think it might be good to leaf out a few puns, bud?

I try to keep my quality high, or I might get stoned by the dealers of hate.

Why would anyone need a $3000 bong? Just inject the weed like a normal person.

Mungolikecandy 19

Or insert it into their ******.

Did your new job go up in smoke afterwards?

At least you were already prepared to clean it up.