Wait your turn

By Anonymous - 23/12/2021 11:31 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, I found out I’m not getting a raise, despite my ‘outstanding’ performance, since the company made a loss this year. Last year I didn’t get a raise because of COVID uncertainty. The year before that I didn’t get a raise because I only just got ‘promoted’, where I also didn’t get a raise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 127
You deserved it 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It would be wise to start looking at other companies for a job. Don’t quit working where you are unless you find and are offered a better job. But start looking.

And next year you won't get a raise because the company will be completely bankrupt.


It would be wise to start looking at other companies for a job. Don’t quit working where you are unless you find and are offered a better job. But start looking.

Tubbytoy42 5

openly move on, make sure they know your going to other job interviews

And next year you won't get a raise because the company will be completely bankrupt.

Stop taking their crap and offer yourself to another company IF ONLY to scare them with ur better offer for employment