By Living_Loving - 07/03/2010 01:21 - Australia

Today, I spent the night with my boyfriend as he promised me that his parents and younger brother, who I have yet to meet, were out of town until Tuesday. We were awoken by his mother screaming, telling me that she doesn't want girls in the house corrupting her baby boy. He's 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 708
You deserved it 4 200

Living_Loving tells us more.

Hey OP here, my boyfriend is a full time University student who works three nights a week and is currently trying to pay off his $20,000 degree. Yes it was the first time I had met his mother, and obviously if she was home I wouldn't have stayed over if she didn't want me to. Give me some credit. And oath it was one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life. -.-

Top comments

Doom_Shroom 0

I think people who are criticizing this kid for being 20 and not out of the house yet are being ridiculous. It's really expensive to be able to live on your own and at that age, it's highly unlikely that you will have a job that pays enough to support yourself, especially if you're still studying. >.> Well, it's like that in my country.

snickers: first off no one said anything about sex, and 2nd even if they had sex he has a room. it's not that big of a deal. it's not like they fukced in her bed.


snickerdoodles I want u baby ;) let's hook up

don't lie noone wants her that's why her life is fml plus I doubt she's ever had a bf b4

fruityrainbow86 0

I completely agree with #25.. Everyone bags on her for being negative or voicing her opinion on the FML or her appearence or whatever. But by bagging on her you're being negative too and voicing your opinions about something other than the FML. If you don't like her comments don't read them. If you aren't a fan of how she looks then keep it to yourself. You guys are more annoying than you seem to think she is.

okay I did the first part now what's ur phone #:P

lmao fine I'll leave u alone. u don't noe what u missed;)

First of all.. You're an idiot. And second of all, even if that were true, that's not a good thing.

Everything over 8 inch is strictly for show and tell, the extra inches look good in the lockerroom, but in fact they are left-overs.

I think you're confusing your age with your penis size. I get the strong feeling that your balls haven't even begun to think about dropping yet.

finally, a smart lady at last. You're not too bad #32.

me? I was just joking around wow no one has a sense if humour these days...

Are you mentally challenged or do you not understand the concept of replying to comments?

My name is Michael Caine. I was in a lot of films. Not a lot of people know that. I've been cleaning my car. WITH MY BLOODY SPONGE.