By birdmagnet - 25/04/2009 19:12 - United States

Today, I spent 90 dollars and two and a half hours getting my hair done at a fancy salon. As I was unlocking my car, a bird pooped in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 174
You deserved it 12 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_vik 0

90 dollars? Two and a half hours? WTF were you getting done?

justme08 0



she doesnt deserve it just because she spent 90 dollars on a hair cut, even if it was just a normal 15 dollar haircut, it would still suck

#70, you clearly have no understanding of basic economics. You do realize that when she got her hair styled, she paid for a served (and maybe small amount of goods) to a stylist. The stylist will then go and spend the money on other things (probably taxes for a lot of it). If people stopped "wasting money on looks" there would be a lot of people who specialize in enhancing others' appearance suddenly found without jobs (you know those hard-working people you talked about?), thus making your argument entirely self-defeating. Remember stimulus checks? The purpose of those was to "stimulate the economy", not hide it in a coffee can for the Apocalypse to come. You really need to think before you start spewing that sludge you call your opinion around.

Maybe hairstylists should get a job that actually means something. Where they are actually doing something that is contributing something positive to this world. And I am entitled to my opinion, as are you.

hopiee 0

Who spends all that on their hair? Rly o.o

#77: Do you hate everyone all the time, or are you just not getting any lately?

AntiChrist7 0

whoever spends that much time and money on his hair doesn't deserve any better. YDI

#79 Actually, yes, I DO hate everyone all the time. Sorry - scratch that - I hate the people who are wasteful and have no purpose. SMILE! :)