By bettercallpeta - 15/02/2013 05:42 - United States

Today, I saw my neighbor's delinquent kid shooting squirrels with a BB gun. Shocked and furious at his cruel behavior, I told him to stop, with the threat of telling his parents. He responded by shooting me in the nuts and running away in a fit of laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 072
You deserved it 11 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then go to his parents. and if they don't do something about it shoot them in the nuts and run away laughing


This kid is going to be a serial killer one day if he doesn't get some help. His parents probably aren't helping matters.

Call the police and have him "arrested." It's assault. With that behavior, you've got a sadist. Serial killers are born of that type.

I shot birds and chipmunks in my youth.. Granted, now I would never kill anything I wasn't planning on eating.. when your young you do things you shouldn't.. parents can't see every move you make... as far as I know, I'm not running up and down the block killing my neighbours..

May not be a sadist perhaps a sociopath ;)

My neighbor across the street does this... and he did it in front of my 9-year-old sister!!! :'(

That bastard. Seeing how violent retaliation is frowned upon, you should file a lawsuit and call social services in attempt to have this child put into either an orphanage or an institution.

Why a bb gun, someone get this kid an AR-15 before its too late..

squirrels are vermin pests. you should be thanking him for his service. I shoot squirrels with my .22 pellet rifle often as I can.

squideth 18

Call the cops. Get him put away before he becomes a serial killer

TwoOneFive 11

People shoot at squirrels all the time. There pretty much like rats. Also, BB guns are weak, and don't hurt that much, this guy needs to grow a pair.