By bettercallpeta - 15/02/2013 05:42 - United States

Today, I saw my neighbor's delinquent kid shooting squirrels with a BB gun. Shocked and furious at his cruel behavior, I told him to stop, with the threat of telling his parents. He responded by shooting me in the nuts and running away in a fit of laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 072
You deserved it 11 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then go to his parents. and if they don't do something about it shoot them in the nuts and run away laughing


Anyone defending OP or saying he or the commentors are making a big deal out of this, you should know that most serial killers start off by killing animals. That's a true fact. But that's not the reason for my comment. I despise anyone who harms animals in any way, shape, or form. If I had it my way, anyone who harmed an animal would be punished in the same manner, be it beating, left outside in a hot car, etc. Good for OP for telling that bratty kid off! Unfortunately, telling his parents probably wouldn't do any good; if they're stupid enough to let their kid have any kind of weapon and that's what he's doing with it, I doubt they'll care what OP has to say. Too many parents are stupid these days and it's making me physically ill.

When humans are mauled to death by bears, trampled by sharks, or devoured by sharks, it's only a "tragedy" that cannot be helped. But when humans shoot BB guns at animals, it's suddenly an act of such injustice & depravity that he could be sent to hell.

hillbillyboy1993 7

kids these days? and how old are you???????? you need abt 30 years on you before you're aloud to say that

Jesus, people, they are just squirrels. There's plenty of them. I used to shoot them all the time, along with rabbits and fixes. Now I hunt deer and bears. There's nothing wrong with hunting so long as you plan on using what you kill. Maybe that's what this kid was going to do. I can't even say how many times I would get a couple of squirrels or rabbits after school one day to make dinner. I know I get pissed when people tell me that hunting/shooting is cruel. It's not. It's the natural order of things. Don't forget human are still technically animals, evolved or not. The ones on the top of the food chain hunt the ones farther down. It's a part of life. Now as for this kid, maybe he was just hunting, maybe he was doing it for fun, we don't know because we don't have his side of the story. Obviously, he got mad when OP interrupted him, and OBVIOUSLY what he did was WRONG, but don't call him a delinquent for killing squirrels, do it because he shot a person. I'm tired of people criminalizing hunters.

I think a lawsuit is coming...or a call to the cops

Say something to the parents and if they just shrug you off then go to the police

The_Honey_Badger 17

I can't even begin to imagine how painful that must have been. FYL indeed.

Tell his parents and get them to punish him (maybe take the gun away and if you see him with another, threaten to call the police (also get him to do some services for you like mow the lawn or something to pay for damages)), but since he thought it would be okay to shoot you in the nuts he's probably got wimpy parents. If that is the case go to the police. Press charges for assault. But do it quick so you still have evidence. Problem solved.

rasemordnilap 3

All of you are ridiculous. I understand and agree that he committed assault and should be punished, and educated more about guns, but who gives a flying **** that he shooting squirrels? They're rats with wings. I still shoot squirrels in our timber an I'm 18. They're good target practice and .22 ammo is cheap. I don't see the big deal. But yeah, his dad needs to have a talk with him. And maybe a cop to scare him :P

I think you're confused- mostly because you apparently think that squirrels have wings.

BB guns don't kill squirrels immediately. That counts as torture, and it is not legal to hunt animals in just any place you decide, 'hey, let's kill somethin'!'


hehe actually many forms of squirrel's have wings so my friend you are the one mistaken lol

Well, now you have two reasons to talk to his parents.