By poisonhand - 03/02/2009 08:46 - United States

Today, my boss caught me playing games on the computer for 4 hours. My boss told me to feel free and continue, but to pack my stuff up and leave when I was done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 099
You deserved it 69 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you go to work, play computer games all day, and expect people to care when you get fired for it? Sorry, but some of us have real jobs where were work our ass off all day, others are perfectly qualified and are hard workers, but because of the economy are without jobs. Perhaps you should reflect on this while trying to find a new job.


you weren't playing at by any chance were you? i played there all the time with office workers before lol

So you go to work, play computer games all day, and expect people to care when you get fired for it? Sorry, but some of us have real jobs where were work our ass off all day, others are perfectly qualified and are hard workers, but because of the economy are without jobs. Perhaps you should reflect on this while trying to find a new job.

Agree with 13. I need a job, whats your company and bosses name?

ya i agree with 11...what did he mean by that

You should have downloaded like counterstrike and stuffs....Stayed there overnight, and played away... Just to see how long you could get by without them calling security on your ass

FBIWarning 0

lol i'm working right now haha, yet no ones cares... love my job!

fmljw 2

FOUR HOURS?! wow my boss caught me youtubing and watching movies when i was a co-op. she still hired me back full time. :D

ziqi92 0

follow the goddamn rules...

NoNameAtAll_fml 1

YDI asshole! Its called "work" for a reason