By bettercallpeta - 15/02/2013 05:42 - United States

Today, I saw my neighbor's delinquent kid shooting squirrels with a BB gun. Shocked and furious at his cruel behavior, I told him to stop, with the threat of telling his parents. He responded by shooting me in the nuts and running away in a fit of laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 072
You deserved it 11 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then go to his parents. and if they don't do something about it shoot them in the nuts and run away laughing


I can understand your concern. I'm pretty sure I would feel the same way. But...not your kid, not your problem.

You didn't approach him with your bb rifle why ?

A kid shoots a rodent with a BB gun and you think he's a delinquent in the making??? You totally deserve the shot to the nuts... What a fricken but case you are... It's a squirrel. I have shot many squirrels but that doesn't make me a criminal or an animal abuser.. I'm a vet tech and have never committed a crime. I'm sorry but you have fallen far from the rocker and so has everyone who agrees with you

You're a vet tech, yet you're going to stand for animal abuse? MAKES PERFECT ******* SENSE.

Yes I'm a vet tech that deals with REAL animal abuse which you obviously never witnessed if you get this butt hurt about a squirrel aka pest

A squirrel is an animal, the kid was shooting them for the fun of it. Shooting is abusing. Sounds like animal abuse to me.

You must be a pretty shitty vet tech. Also, it's not "Butt hurt". It's called having a heart for something that has a life. Two things of which you clearly lack.

You're a pest, I think that means I can shoot you.

When you see dogs come in with their nose cut off from a real psychopath or a dog with the skin from their paw pads ripped from from being glued to the road or a cat with a broken tail from being swung around by it or emaciated and dehydrated animals from no food or water for weeks or an animal trying to survive covered in maggots with broken bones that was just thrown in the street or a dog with severe road rash from being drug behind a car you would realize what true animal abuse is... I'm sure these cases are far worse than your poor squirrel.

There are far worse problems in this world that need to be dealt with than shooting squirrels and maybe someday when you grow up you will realize that but for now ill let your young naive mind keep thinking what it wants.

216 - except for the fact that you don't know if he was doing it for fun. OP might be just some whack-job who thinks anything done to an animal is animal abuse. The kid could've been planning to use what he killed. So why don't you step down from your self righteous soapbox and try looking at it from a different angle.

UltimateGIRness 16

Nothin wrong with shootin squirrels if you got a reason. Heck, I shoot em for fun sometimes

There is nothing wrong with shooting squirrels. I would almost encourage it, as they are considered a pest.

People on this site are ridiculous - 'send him to juvenile hall!', 'he's a psychopath!' - seriously?! All he's doing is shooting a BB GUN at squirrels, people are acting like he's got an AK and is firing on anybody who walks by. Both the majority of commenters AND the OP need to chill out. 'Shocked and furious'... What a joke.

The kid shot an adult. What part of that are you not clear on?

WITH A BB GUN! What part is everyone on this site not clear about? People are acting like be was practicing shooting stuff with a 9mm, then turned it on OP and shot him - it was a BB gun. Jesus, chill out.

reimichele 8

Sounds like Sid from Toy Story.

drayloon 50

Someone has a problem with anything with nuts...