By lebato97 - 09/12/2011 03:35 - United States

Today, I saw my neighbor's Christmas tree they had put up on their porch, with decorative presents under it. Being that my neighbors hate me, I figured I would take a present to piss them off. While walking back home with the present, I opened it. Inside it read "I knew you would, douche bag." FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 660
You deserved it 80 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

borkchop1992 15

i bet your neighbors dont like you because you typically do douchy things like this


rexgar2000 10

they probably ate him cause he steals, why. else would they do that? they knew he was going to take it because he probably does it all the time.

EvilDave 13

OP, it sounds like your neighbors have a valid reason to hate you.

babygirllove 0

YDI....for being an ass to them instead of trying to be nice and really why would you steal from someone just to piss them off I hope u read all these negative comments and feel bad about what you did

I think you should give them a real present and apologize,maybe then you and neighbor can get along

**** getting along some ppl are just jack asses and deserve to have there lives made into a living hell. I would probly have taken there whole tree or at least kicked it over

Why'd you try to ruin Xmas for a nice family. Their right you are a d-bag.

And you wonder why they hate you? You, sir, are a bag of douche.

Llamacod 11

Roger, then it's not the same birthday. Just saying.

too bad they did not have something like a spring loaded jack in the box to scare u you when you opened it wait why did you even open a present that was fake to begin with are you that hated by all it was going to be the only present you were going to open this year?