By Cinderstar95 - 28/12/2016 09:34 - United States - Schererville

Today, my dad and brother found a Christmas present that they'd "forgotten" to give me. Expecting a joke, I apprehensively opened it. But I still wasn't prepared to unwrap the neck of the Christmas turkey. It had been rotting in the living room for 2 days. The smell was indescribable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 341
You deserved it 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The obvious solution would be to return the gift next year (although you may want to freeze it in the meantime or there won't be much left to give them.....)

Their dad & brother... didn’t you read the fml? :)


Perhaps ....a diaper filled with Indian food? Bigfoot's **** would probably come close as well.

Who leaves rotting meat in the living room for 2 days?

Their dad & brother... didn’t you read the fml? :)

mermaidkeels 26

If they waited for you to open the "gift", they were near by and had to endure the smell as well. They pretty much pranked themselves in the process.

1. Brace yourself 2. Hold the rotten mess closer to your face 3. Blow as hard as you can in the direction of those bastards

Your family has some weird ideas of what constitutes an acceptable prank. Giving someone rotting meat as a "gift" is unsanitary and bizarre.

awildwhisper 30

I hope you returned the favor and had saved them Christmas leftovers to give for New Years.

WeirdUS 29

Regift it by hiding it in their room or in the closet or even the car especially under the seat it'll be a pain in the ass to reach and the car is going to reek for days.

The obvious solution would be to return the gift next year (although you may want to freeze it in the meantime or there won't be much left to give them.....)

sgdigaetano 3

What the hell kind of family do you have? Do these types of people even really exist??