By bellerz14 - 23/12/2011 02:58 - United States

Today, I saw my dad sitting in the car alone, blaring classical music, blowing up beach balls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 991
You deserved it 4 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that blows. Actually, no it doesn't. Let your dad do what he wants.

randomguy1millon_fml 0


Did u help your dad blow Thoes balls ;)

... I just lost a little more hope I have for mankind.

Pretty much anything that was written before our grandparents were born and is still being played is awesome.

mynameispickle 0

Umm...what's wrong with that? I'm not saying that like "ohh, I do that all the time" i just don't see the problem...

hellbilly205 17

Derp where is herp? Dont you know you herp before you derp?

hey i teach music theory! are you calling me a blow tard?

That's not something you see every day!