By Anonymous - 17/10/2010 05:55 - United States

Today, I saw my boyfriend shaving his pubic hair before we had sex. This would be fine, except he was saying "Nom nom nom, I eat cock hairs" to his electric razor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 956
You deserved it 8 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gmor 0

haha that's great!! keeper lol

RonnieBurgundy 0


LMAO!!! Hi-FREAKING-larious!! Your boyfriend = MAJOR WIN!!

tommyd2209 0
iVereor 0

Erm, he should have brought it towards you says nom nom nom I'm gonna eat your hair with jaws soundtrack playing dun dun dunnnn

sinneblade 0

I made an account just to comment on how ******* awesome that is.

epic seriously I actually laughed out loud don't really see how its an fml though... om nom nom

i cant see how this is a fail this is to epic im defiantly using that on my razor from now on!

Hahaha! Your boyfriend is definitely a keeper! You need to hang on to guy with a sense of humor.

Hahaha! Your boyfriend is definitely a keeper! You need to hang on to guys with a sense of humor.

oliver190190 0

i am seriously trying to keep myself from LOL because im in the library. you prob have the best bf evar lol