By 6u174r_d00d - 10/08/2011 21:10 - United States

Today, I saw a cute girl working register at my regular coffee shop and politely asked the her for her number. I was brutally rejected. A few minutes later, a douchebag with a popped collar approached her with a cheesy pickup line and left with not only her number, but a free frappe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 040
You deserved it 6 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone knows you gotta pop your collar if your a pimp

Inspired22 11

Don't give up. The worthwhile girls don't go for the popped-collar type anyway.


Maybe she likes douches??;; Or you just didn't come onto her right??,,

doctor_awesome 8

I was thinking dirty when I read the last part. .__.

doctor_awesome 8

He couldn't come onto her, she rejected him

Do women actually like these "collar popin' douches"? If they do, I'm never gonna get a date.

Oh he could still come on to her. She just wouldn't know about it till it was too late. Lmao

slushpup9696 12

115 it is okay. many people like shih tzus.


Douchebag: hey did it Hurt Girl: did what hurt Douchebag:when you fell from heaven Girl: here's my number and you frappe on me Op: facepalm

Beebow_fml 5

"You frappe on me", sounds like an invitation.


Damn I meant "your". I Forgot that r it's always tricky.

I like it better without the "r". Sounds like a semi-entertaining porno.

Girls can be dumb sometimes. Don't take it personally and find a better girl than her :)

Never. You, however are a perfect example. A woman is always right. I do not have a woman, so thus, I am always right.

Well you need to turn into a douche to get those kinda girls!

pYrO92583 0

No he should not. The world already has to many douches

Glitterhinoceros 14
AceShots95 0

^^ That was not the proper response for that comment..ten points to slitherin!

Come on hufflepuff, get your shit together!!

hellbilly205 17

Damn i gotta get on my game then...

Women love sleazy pimps just as much as men love cheap floozies.

a_nutritionist 10

cheap skinny floozies and/or aiming out of their league. get it right.

so she has a bad taste in men. you could find better anyways.

Girls don't necessarily go for the bad boy. Odds are the cute girl was interested in the good looking guy. I guess the moral of the story is be better looking, or lower your standards.

lakerz24 0