By Tom - 26/06/2009 00:56 - United States

Today, I rushed home to tell my parents my girlfriend had accepted my proposal. They asked how I could be so selfish at a time like this. Apparently, Michael Jackson's death is more important than their son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 863
You deserved it 6 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, MJ's death was big news but family comes first.

Congrats! Soon you'll have a new family anyway.


tysgirl 0

I agree with #92. I fail to see how MJ's death is a more significant event in the OP's life than his ENGAGEMENT. If it was a close friend or family member, that would be different. Plus, it's not like he knew MJ was going to die. Regardless of how iconic the person who dies is, the world doesn't stop to mourn, life goes on. On a side note, I don't see how contributing to the start of boy bands and music videos was a positive contribution to society. But that's just me.

shewasalmost18 0

KING OF POP > you! everyone knows that

FFS . Michael Jackson was proven NOT guilty of the child molestation accusations . We've all been blamed for something we didn't do , right ? Even if its something small like stealing or older brother/sisters stuff , or some of being accused of shoplifting , or using drugs & stuff . Point is , WE HAVE ALL BEEN ACCUSED OF STUFF WE DIDN'T DO . As was Michael Jackson . So to everyone who says that he deserved to die , No one DESERVES to die . No matter how much of a bad thing they do , NO ONE does . People die & its the cycle of life , true . But no one should wish someone death . Sorry OP , I kinda got off topic a little bit . Congrates ! I hope you & your finacee are very happy together . :]

Antonio718 0

"Today a child molester died. FML" Basically sums it up for people loving Michael Jackson

Antonio718 0

Well OJ WAS NEVER GUILTY, but did he do it...**** YEA HE DID

fyourlife33 0

He definifitly molested children and those probably aren't even his kids

Well he was proven NOT guilty . And there is a whole whack of evadience ( Sorry for my spelling :P ) proving that he DID . The judge & the jury obviously thought he was NOT guilty , So I guess .. :s

Congratulations on your girlfriend accepting your proposal! I for one, think it is very exciting news and even though I don't know you, I'm very happy for you both. I hope you have a long and happy life together,