By Anonymous - 29/06/2016 01:51

Today, I received a notification that someone opened a fraudulent credit card in my name. I'm not sure what's worse: that they were approved at all with my terrible credit, or that I was denied for this exact card when I applied out of desperation last month to pay for my service dog's surgery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 523
You deserved it 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sofia94_fml 15

I know this isn't the main point of the matter, but is your dog okay now?? Were you able to get him proper surgery?

Where did you apply for the card? They must've gotten your details somehow from your application. But if they managed to open it, I guess that's a sign your credit rating improved slightly?


Sofia94_fml 15

I know this isn't the main point of the matter, but is your dog okay now?? Were you able to get him proper surgery?

Where did you apply for the card? They must've gotten your details somehow from your application. But if they managed to open it, I guess that's a sign your credit rating improved slightly?

Do you have time to hear about our Lord and savior Google?

That's not a very informative answer, as you literally just answered the question with the same word. OP clearly doesn't know what fraudulent is.

OP knows what a fraudulent card is. #3 does not, so #3 can follow the lovely #4 and the lovely #5's advice and go to Google to look up the meaning of the word themselves. Or instead of whinging to me, you tell them yourself...

the reasons they were able to get credit is they were willing to lie on the application while you told the truth that really sucks

I'm with #1 and apparently 117 other people. Is your dog all right? Those of us who see our dogs as family understand what it's like to have a dog in a bad situation and I hope that you were able to find the funds for his/her surgery. Whatever the issue was, I hope it won't keep him/her down for long and that the two of you can get back to the active part of your partnership quickly. On another note, I hope you can figure out this financial mess with minimal damage. *Ah, I see this is from June. I still hope everything worked out. Let us know if your dog is all right!

blackrose1996 11

That might be why you got declined

JustStella 28

I also want to know about your dog.