By Anonymous - 30/12/2009 08:23 - United States

Today, I received a $105 parking ticket for being in a handicapped space. The lines were covered by snow, and the sign was on the building twenty feet away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 125
You deserved it 5 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take good pictures and challenge the ticket.

TryToBeKind 0

I would challenge the ticket ther etoo. There are often close parking spots that are non-handicap. For example, maybe the first "row" of cars holds four handicap spots and the fifth one was for the general public. Not knowing that because of the snow was not your fault, you made a reasonable assumption That, and if a person who had a disability had to park on snow like that, they could have fallen on their ass. Definitely challenge the ticket and bring up the fact they weren't keeping it safe to begin with. Good luck!


everyonesfucked 0

Check and see what the cost of court is in that town. It might be cheaper to just pay the ticket.

Hey it's the end of the month, cops gotta meet quota. Now let the flame war begin.

richie_007 1

You're either blind or stupid. 20 feet isn't an unreasonable distance. Maybe you shouldn't be driving in the first place! YDI! pay it and get over it

Tamara2011 0

What are you doing on here go and fight against it lol come on like cops need money and think they can do whatever they want the u.s is going to hell

Well, first off, cops don't get paid nearly enough for the crap they have to deal with. Plus, it's not like the cop is getting money or a bonus for writing a certain amount of tickets. The fact is, he still parked in a handicapped spot. People need to learn to take responsibility for their own actions and stop shirking the blame on everyone else. THAT is why the US is going to hell. Lack of personal responsibility.

Tamara2011 0

What are you doing on here go and fight against it lol come on like cops need money and think they can do whatever they want the u.s is going to hell

schwinn11 0

***'n handicaps, they got it so easy. They Get the best parking spots, and most of them get to sit in a chair with wheels so they get to sit down no matter where they're at. In the mean time we have to stand up everywhere and park in the back. I'm sick of this shit

samhat 0

Most handicap people would rather be up and walking around rather than being confined to a wheelchair. From your comment, it seems like you're just a lazy idiot.

Every tried to sit in a wheelchair all day? I had to do it as an experiment in pre-med. It really sucks when you can't get into most bathrooms, can't get on a bus or train or bike or regular car, have people talk to you as if you were retarded, and just be dependent on the (too often non-existent) kindness of other people all day. I was very glad to get out of the chair.

#34 I hope like hell youre just a useless troll who gets off on pissing people off and you don't actually mean that. I usually try not to feed trolls with any material but I have genuine fear that you may be sincere in your horrific accusations and assumptions. My little brother has been in a wheelchair since he was 7 from muscular dystrophy, the inability to get exercise makes it much more difficult to have a legitimate immune system. Not having the ability to fight off illness well makes it fairly imperative that his trip from the car to the store in the winter be relatively short. He doesn't have the ability to stand, let alone walk and therefore I'm going to have to tell you STFU and get a clue. OP: OK this may have been a real mistake not you behaving like an ass in which case I feel somewhat bad for you but really handicap signs on the building are far from unheard of and if you are that oblivious to your surroundings that you don't know where you are parking perhaps you shouldn't be driving. #32 I would actually love to hug the cop who assigned this ticket, especially since so much of the time people don't get tickets for taking a spot from someone who has a true handicap. There are occasions when people who are actually handicapped have to call the police for things like repeatedly offensive cars and locations which is incredibly unfair especially somewhere like Michigan where there is clearly a decent enough amount of snow to entirely cover markers for OP

schwinn11 0

Ok, first off-I have multiple sclerosis, and although I don't need a wheelchair nor do I want to be in a wheelchair, I understand that some people do need wheelchairs! It's called sarcasm, I'm making fun of the dipshit that is using snow as his cover for occupying a handicap parking spot. And for the **** head that called me a troll, you can go **** yourself. Get a ***'n sense of humor, this is called fmylife, not 20/20

NewLight8421 0

i hope you know we can't hear you over the internet, so sarcasm is not detected.

1. troll 4819 One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument

samhat 0

Handicap spots are for people who are actually deemed handicap. Stupidity is not considered a valid handicap. 20 feet is a reasonable distance. Stop whining and open your eyes. I hope you have to pay.

This site needs an attachment feature. I need pics to judge this post.

Batman4890 0

when u say $105 u dont need 2 write dollar after it thats the whole point if putting the $ in so u dont have 2 write dollar....