By pamcakes - 09/07/2016 17:14

Today, my dog pooped on the floor, and the Roomba my sweet boyfriend bought me as a housewarming gift, ran over it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 437
You deserved it 1 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Roomba does not work with number twombas?

Technology strikes back! Yikes, I've seen a bunch of times with reviews that Roombas don't do all that well with pet feces. Apparently it smears it everywhere. That must have sucked to clean up.


Technology strikes back! Yikes, I've seen a bunch of times with reviews that Roombas don't do all that well with pet feces. Apparently it smears it everywhere. That must have sucked to clean up.

Nice housewarming gift from your dog.

so i shouldn't get a roomba if i have a pet

You could get the Roomba if you have a pet, but if your pet does happen to go #2 in the house, the Roomba smears the feces around because it's programmed to vacuum and clean the floor, regardless of what the object on the floor is. As long as you make sure your pet isn't using your house's floor as it's own very large bathroom, you'll be good to go.

you kidding me?! You should totally get it! And then post your testimony here LMFAO!

Roomba's are amazing, you should totally get one! However, you shouldn't get a dog that poops all over your house ;)

Roomba does not work with number twombas?

RpiesSPIES 27

I think they're working on a new model to fix the issue. They're called Poomba's.

Yeah, cos a Roomba is totally powerful enough to run over a dog.

You either get train the dog or get rid of the Roomba

heard this happen more than once, usually in multi million dollar homes hahaha

tiger820 20

what you got chocolate skid marks on your floor!?

fotomiep 7

So you have a loving boyfriend, a dog AND a Roomba, yet you still find something to complain about? Some people are never happy :)